Welcome to Business Education


 Student Picture

Welcome to Business Education I & II!  This website will help you keep track of class assignments, due dates, upcoming events and will also serve as a reminder for our rules and procedures in the classroom.  Homework is updated every Friday so check back often.  Look closely and you may also find extra credit opportunities.

Teacher: Stacey Brown

Courses:  Business Education I

                Business Education II

Daily Teaching Schedule

 Periods  1, 3 & 5 Business Education I
 Periods 2 & 4 Business Education II

Conference Time:

My conference time is during sixth period: 2:15 - 3:00 p.m.  I am always available before and after school for extra help or to conference with parents.

Contact Information:

BrownsBusEd2010@yahoo.com or by phone at 713-496-0000.